Doctor Who is one of the longest-running science fiction show on television. Stretching from the 1960s to today, it follows the life of a Time Lord, known as The Doctor, as they travel throughout time and space with their traveling companions. The Time Lord can regenerate into a new body every so often, solving the problem of casting over a fifty-year period.

Doctor Who is about space, time travel, and friendship. But most of all, it’s a show about hope. The Doctor brings hope wherever they go. They always save the day, usually with an inspiring word or two. If you’re looking for a reliable pick-me-up, these are the episodes to turn to.

Face The Raven

The Doctor (Peter Capaldi) and companion Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman) find themselves on a secret London street that hides an alien safe haven. Their friend Rigsy (Joivan Wade) has a tattoo that’s counting down to his death and they’re there to sort it out. It turns out he’s being executed for a murder he didn’t commit.

Clara recklessly takes the tattoo from Rigsy to save him. As a consequence, Clara must face her own execution. And this time, there’s nothing the Doctor can do to save her. Although this is a sad episode, Clara’s bravery and willingness to accept her fate earn it a spot on this list.

In The Forest Of The Night

A forest has grown over the whole world overnight and the only one who has any clue about it is one of Clara’s young students, Maebh (Abigail Eames), who is being medicated for hearing voices. The voices are the trees communicating. A dangerous solar flare is heading towards Earth and the trees have grown to protect the planet.

Mental illness needs to be treated seriously. That being said, sometimes what is different could be appreciated instead of stigmatized. It’s a treat that Meabh’s “defect” could actually save the day. Likewise that the “problem” (the forest) turns out to be the solution (to the flare).


The Doctor becomes obsessed with fear. Are there creatures with us always that are causing our fear when we’re alone? Is there really a monster under the bed? He brings Clara to an orphanage and the end of the universe, just to find the answer. They end up in the Doctor’s own childhood.

Clara finds herself comforting a young, fearful Doctor after being the own source of his nightmare. Fear is a superpower, she says, fear can make you kind. We’re always going to be afraid of something, and that’s okay.

The Time Of The Doctor

The Doctor (Matt Smith) is in a stalemate with all the evils in the universe. He’s stationed for a lifetime on a planet, protecting the whole universe. He ends up saving the day as an old man but he has to regenerate into a new body to stay alive.

The Doctor’s regeneration always comes with a beautiful speech. This time it’s especially moving. We’re all different people, he says. We just have to remember the people we used to be. That’s what makes us, us.

The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit

The Doctor (David Tennant) and Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) find themselves on a planet orbiting a black hole. They’ve joined the humans studying this anomaly when a devilish force appears on the station. The planet is actually a prison for a creature older than time, who just might be Satan himself.

The Doctor has to release the creature in order to save Rose. Knowing this will also cause the planet to fall into the black hole, he hesitates but decides that if he believes in one thing only, it’s in Rose. It’s his faith in her that gives him the strength to doom them all. As usual, though, they get out just in time.


The Doctor (Jodie Whitaker) and her companions find themselves in 1955 Montgomery, Alabama. There’s a white supremacist from the future trying to nudge the events that led to Rosa Parks (Vinette Robinson) refusing to give up her seat on the bus to a white person.

They had planned to get off the bus and let the event unfold but the Doctor and her friends find that they actually have to be part of the event itself. You don’t always have to be the hero of the story, sometimes you need to step back and support the true hero instead.

Turn Left

Sent back in time by a fortune teller, Donna Noble (Catherine Tate) has a choice to make. She’s in her car, arguing with her mother about whether to turn right towards one job or left towards another. When the fortune teller forces her to turn right, she never meets the Doctor (David Tennant) and the universe falls to ruin.

With Rose Tyler’s help, Donna has a chance to correct her mistake. Without her assistance, the Doctor dies, leaving the universe unprotected. This makes Donna the most important woman in the world. Likewise, all of our decisions are meaningful. Everything we do impacts someone else. We each matter. Choose wisely.

The Beast Below

The Doctor (Matt Smith) takes Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) to future England- a space-faring city that escaped the burning Earth. The city-ship turns out to be powered by the very last enslaved space whale. Every time someone figures it out, they choose to have their memory wiped to protect the city.

Amy, the Doctor, and the current Queen Elizabeth (Sophie Okonedo) can’t accept this fate. When the Doctor prepares to make the whale brain dead to end its suffering, Amy releases it. The whale chooses to stay and help- that’s why it came to Earth in the first place. All that pain and suffering, but it just made it kind.

Heaven Sent

The Doctor (Peter Capaldi) is trapped in a prison made specifically for him. He’s alone, having just watched Clara die. Followed by a creature that eats truths, he wanders an empty castle until he realizes he’s trapped in a cyclical puzzle.

The Doctor must give his life to begin the cycle anew so each time he can punch through a thick wall made of a substance stronger than diamond to his freedom. He continues to survive, punch, die, and try again. It takes him a billion years to break the wall, but he perseveres. If the Doctor can do that, we can continue to push through life’s difficulties.

The Doctor, The Widow And The Wardrobe

At Christmas, the Doctor (Matt Smith) comes to the aide of a World War II widow (Claire Skinner) and her two kids who have yet to learn of their father’s death. He takes them to a planet of natural Christmas trees only to learn the trees are about to be harvested. It takes the strength of a mother to save both her kids and the entire lifeforce of the forest.

Madge Arwell, the mother, is one of the greatest characters out there. She’s feisty, in a proper 1940s British way, and she’s always ready to believe. She flies her kids and the forest to safety, guiding her husband’s plane home safely in her wake. With the strength of affection, every once in a while, things turn out alright.