Another day, and another story about the potential of the next Doctor being a woman. It’s a discussion that has been gaining momentum ever since Peter Capaldi announced that he would be leaving Doctor Who at the end of the year, and everyone who’s anyone is now throwing out names as possible replacements. It’s a divisive and contentious issue; there are those who feel that the Doctor is an inherently male character, and that cannot be altered, but there are also those who feel that if the Doctor can regenerate into a new person, then theoretically that person can be of any gender or race; just as The Master came back as a woman (from John Sim to Michelle Gomez).

It does feel as though this time around there is a stronger voice supporting the case for a female Doctor replacement; more so than with previous regenerations, anyhow, and Capaldi has also added fuel to the fire by going on record to say he supports the idea. Now another Doctor has stepped into the fray; David Tennant, who says that he thinks its time for his Broadchurch co-star, Olivia Colman, to take over the TARDIS.

Tennant told World at One (via Evening Standard):

Broadchurch is about to air its third and final season in the U.K., with Tennant and Colman once again reuniting to play D.S. Hardy and D.I. Miller. The showrunner is Chris Chibnall, who also just happens to be taking over from Stephen Moffat as showrunner on Doctor Who when he leaves at the same time as Capaldi. Talk has been rumbling of Chibnall wanting to hire someone he’s worked with previously as the new Doctor, and Colman certainly fits the bill. Not only that, but if Chibnall does decide to shatter the mold and cast a woman, he will want someone onboard who will play the part exactly as he wants, and she will understand his way of working by now. She has the humor, quirks and English eccentricities needed to play the part, too.

“Olivia would clearly be a magnificent choice. If you have the right people telling the right stories then it’s absolutely a possibility”

Tennant was one of the most popular Doctors of all time, but he insists that while fans might get attached to one star in the role, there is still something to look forward to when it comes to regeneration:

It’s fair to say we are excited for change; many feel as though Capaldi has gone as far as he can in the role, and the show does need something of an overhaul, but does that necessitate such a huge, fundamental change to the show as the casting of a female Doctor? Is the casting of a female Doctor inevitable either this time around or at some point in the future, or should the character always remain male? Let us know in the comments!

“People who know the show and love the show get very attached to actors in the role but are also excited about change and renewal and that’s how the show has managed to keep going over the years.”

Doctor Who returns to BBC 1 and BBC America on April 15th.

Source: Evening Standard