The writers of Doctor Who really do have to be praised. Although this show revolves around one character, for the most part, his (and now, her! Yay!) personality is ever-changing, and the companions are all extremely different. Usually, the Doctor has a new companion per season, each of them bringing something new to the show (which fans adore).

Not sure how different they all are? Just look at their Myers-Briggs® types. It’s clear that this show brings about a rich selection of characters, and the writers don’t just stick to the same old tired tropes. Regardless of who your favorite companion is, you can surely agree they each have value!

10. Jack Harkness: ENTJ, The Commander

Jack Harkness has known the Doctor for a long time. He’s an immortal man — or is he? What do you think of the Face of Boe theory?

Regardless of what you think, he’s definitely not quite human anymore and heads up an organization called Torchwood. The company deals with extraterrestrial threats when the Doctor isn’t around to defend the Earth.

Jack is charismatic, flirtatious, and extremely headstrong — the latter of which especially makes him an ENTJ. His personality means that he does a fantastic job heading up Torchwood, and people tend to gravitate around him and respect him; which is needed, for his job.

9. Rose Tyler: ESFP, The Entertainer

Rose Tyler is the companion who broke everyone’s hearts and didn’t just last longer than one season — she lasted longer than one Doctor. She was first introduced through Nine and stayed through Ten, which culminated in a heart-breaking episode where she was trapped in a parallel universe. You know, after the Doctor told her that he loved her.

I’m not crying, you’re crying!

Rose is an ESFP. She loves to be social and show off, and she thrived being around the Doctor, going on adventures. She specifically meshed very well with Ten’s personality, since he was also a very close type.

8. Martha Jones: ISTJ, The Logistician

This was after Rose became Martha. I loved Martha, but she was a very controversial companion — probably because after the heart-breaking scenes of Doomsday, fans just wanted Rose back and thought no one could measure up. As an ISTJ, Martha is certainly a very different type of character. She’s almost the exact opposite.

But she was what the Doctor needed. She’s a strong woman who walked away when she realized her romantic feelings weren’t required. She was one person who wasn’t afraid to tell the Doctor when she thought he was wrong. She was also extremely intelligent and caring, working as a doctor. All around, she was a great character.

7. Donna Noble: ESFJ, The Consul

When Rose left, I thought no companion would ever match up. I thought I would never love another.

Oh boy, I was wrong.

Catherine Tate took on the role of Donna and pretty quickly, I had a new instant favorite. She was demanding, called the Doctor on his antics even more than Martha did, and she wasn’t driven by a crush on the Doctor at all. She knew he was an alien, and thought the implication of running off with him in a romantic sense was kind of gross.

Yes, girl!

This ESFJ had a strong enough personality to give even the Doctor a run for his money and I loved it.

6. Wilfred Mott: ESTP, The Entrepreneur

Wilfred wasn’t really an official companion. As the grandfather of Donna, he was this sweet old man who was much more understanding of the Doctor than Donna’s other relatives. But this ESTP gets a mention in here for the simple fact that he was with Ten at the end. Actually, he caused the Doctor’s downfall.

He will knock four times…

Wilfred seemed to still enjoy living life on the edge, though. He wanted to go with the Doctor on his adventures and thought Donna should, too, unlike her mother. He definitely counts as a companion because he made The End Of Time brilliant.

5. Amy Pond: INFJ, The Advocate

Amy Pond was Eleven’s first companion and oh, she was great. At first, she might have seemed like an extravert—sassy, forward, and like many of the previous companions, willing to call out the Doctor—but she was actually a pretty private person. Confident yet shy. She was definitely more sensitive and caring than she was willing to admit to being too. Her personality pieces combined makes me think of her as an INFJ.

As a Scot, I have a definite soft spot for Amy Pond. I actually think she would have been a great companion for Ten — my dream duo! Opportunity missed.

4. Rory Williams: ISFP, The Adventurer

I felt so sorry for Rory for most of the time that he was around the Doctor. Although he was invited on the adventures, it seemed almost grudging on Amy’s part since she was clearly getting cold feet about marrying him. The Doctor didn’t seem to mind him, but he didn’t seem to value him either. Rory was just kind of there, but I loved him.

He was always up for the adventures even if he wasn’t totally welcomed on them. Rory was always quick to want to see the universe even if he felt uninvited, and for that, he’s an ISFP.

3 River Song: INTP, The Logician

River Song was a trip. She was an enigma from the moment she entered the show. She first appeared during our time with Ten and was here to stay for a while. The timelines between her and the Doctor were muddled — and, when you consider a show like this, it actually makes me surprised that kind of thing doesn’t happen more often. Everything seems weirdly chronological for the Doctor considering how much he jumps in time. How convenient!

River’s mystery became less of one with time and, among other things about her, we now know her as an INTP: smart, logical, rational, but with quite a bit of feeling.

2. Clara Oswald: ENFJ, The Protagonist

Clara was one of the more recent companions and is an ENFP (the protagonist), which seems a little ironic for a companion, but there you have it.

She, like Rose, was a companion of two Doctors: Eleven and Twelve. She met the Doctor as a child and grew to know him much better, and as he described her, she was “the only mystery worth solving.” She was pretty insistent she was normal but even from her personality, that doesn’t seem true. ENFPs are dynamic and charismatic, which makes them anything but normal even if they didn’t have the mystery of space and time surrounding them.

1. Bill Potts: ENFP, The Campaigner

Bill Potts is another extraverted companion as an ENFP. She was the final companion of Twelve and certainly went through a lot throughout her time with him. Although she was rescued from a pretty miserable life, she ended up going through things such as being turned into a Cyberman… So, er… was her fate with the Doctor really any better?

I know which life I’d rather have.

She was rescued though, and she provided some much needed and important representation for the series. I hope she has a good life after leaving with Heather. Bill was a great companion, and she deserves the best.