So, just how many recognized names does Fallout 4 companion Codsworth know? Fallout is a classic RPG that arrived back in 1997 and follows a survivor emerging from the safety of their underground vault and into a barren post-apocalyptic wasteland. They have to survive raiders, mutants, robots and the unforgiving landscape itself. Most entries in the series follow this basic template, though spinoffs titles like 2004’s Fallout: Brotherhood Of Steel or Fallout Shelter mixed things up a little.

The series was taken over by Bethesda Softworks (Dishonored) with Fallout 3 in 2008, which took place from a first-person perspective and featured a major graphical upgrade. This entry brought the franchise into the mainstream in a big way, in spite of suffering from various bugs and glitches. The 2015 follow-up Fallout 4 was greeted with great reviews and followed the Sole Survivor as they traversed another intricate, vast open world. A positive reception didn’t greet the most recent entry, which was multiplayer title Fallout 76. This title has the subject of numerous controversies since its release, but above all else, the major problem with the game is that it’s just not very good.

Like in previous titles, numerous companions can follow the Sole Survivor on his quest in Fallout 4. There’s awesome android detective Nick Valentine or the ever-loyal canine pal Dogmeat. Codsworth was the Sole Survivor’s robot butler prior to the nuclear war and they are reunited again over 200 years later. Codsworth’s voice actor Stephen Russell was charged with recording hundreds of possible names for players to choose from, with this video from YouTube channel 70mphTV compiling together every recognized name. Beware: the world “Mister” and “Miss” appear a lot.

For a full break down of possible names, the Fallout 4 Wikipedia also has a comprehensive list of Codsworth’s recognized names too. While traditional names like John and Joan are correct and present in Codsworth’s wide directory, options like Mister B**tard or Miss Furiosa are also available, for those who wish to have a little fun with their in-game moniker. Inevitably, some names didn’t make the cut for Codsworth’s list of recognized names in Fallout 4, which disappointed some fans hoping to hear their own names spoken.

Codsworth is also one of Fallout 4’s most useful companions and can dish out a good deal of damage with his attached flamethrower and saw. The game also reveals the war took a toll on the poor robot butler’s psyche as he was essentially alone for 200 years after the war broke out.

Next: Can Companions Die In Fallout 4?