Bethesda has plans to manufacture canvas bags to replace the nylon ones sent to players who purchased the $200 Power Armor Edition of Fallout 76. This move comes after complaints from players who expected a nicer canvas bag with that specific special edition of the game.

Promotional materials for the Power Armor Edition included a description of the bag intended for carrying the wearable T-51 helmet that also came with the box. That description specifically said that the bag was a “West Tek Canvas Carrying Bag.” So it’s understandable that this is what those who purchased the pricey special edition of the game expected. However, when the boxes arrived, many players took to social media to post photos of the bag, which was not canvas but a cheap nylon material. Bethesda tried to make amends by offering those players in-game currency, about 500 atoms, which is only worth around $5. Players who purchased the bag became even more angered when they learned that social media influencers, who got the special edition box for free, ended up with the promised canvas bag.

After much backlash, though, Bethesda now seems willing to make things right with players who didn’t receive what the developer initially promised with the Power Armor Edition. The company tweeted that although it had problems getting the bags manufactured before release, it is now working to get replacement canvas bags to everyone who purchased that particular edition of the game. The company urged anyone interested in getting a replacement to fill out a support ticket on its official website.

Fallout 76 is not without its other controversies, though. When Bethesda initially announced the online game based on its popular franchise, fans were less than thrilled. After the game released, though, Fallout fans became angry. Not only did the title come with a series of game-breaking bugs, but there were portions of the game that were completely unplayable. Players also soon learned that Bethesda has a strict no-refunds policy, making many mad enough to consider potentially filing a class action lawsuit against the developer.

Although Bethesda will release an update this week that should take care of some of the game’s most pressing issues, the developer has a much more worrying thing that it now needs to fix: the broken trust between it and its players. Replacing the canvas bags is a small step in making things right, but is it enough?

More: Fallout 76: Map Locations For EVERYTHING to 100% The Game

Source: Bethesda