Ambitious fans of Bethesda’s upcoming Fallout 76 have tried to recreate the West Virginia wasteland long before the game’s November 14 release. Although Bethesda unveiled plenty of information about the MMO at E3 2018, the fact that Fallout 76 will be the biggest game in the series means there is plenty still to explore out there in the nuclear apocalypse.

Tipped as four times bigger than the already expansive Fallout 4, some gamers are likely struggling to understand just how massive Fallout 76 will be. Hoping to shed some light on which real-life locations from West Virginia will be making their way into the game, a group of loyal players have begun piecing together their own Wasteland map with great success.

Bethesda boss Todd Howard told audiences at E3 that Fallout 76 would be a realistic representation of a dystopian West Virginia, but eager fans can now get an idea of what the sprawling space of Deathclaws and radroaches might look like. Using clips from the recent NoClip The Making of Fallout 76 documentary and the game’s E3 presentation, game aficionado Oscar Armstrong-Davies is showing off a seventh version of the Fallout 76 map.

Howard confirmed that Fallout 76’s play area will be divided into six unique locations that each have their own themes and set of challenges for players to contend with. Each of these marked on the map so players can get to grips with The Forest or The Mire ahead of time.

Major West Virginia locations like Morgantown, Charleston, and Lewisburg are marked in large yellow dots on the map. Smaller yellow dots are fair assumptions, while orange markers are purely speculative for now. Fictional locales including Vault-Tec University and the Nuka-Cola Quantum Plant can be found alongside the likes of Harper’s Ferry and the Green Bank Telescope. Looking at the map, notice that Pennsylvania is pinpointed as an empty mass of land known as the Toxic Valley. It may be a dangerous place for players to visit in Fallout 76 but is promised to contain some rare loot and radioactive creatures to do battle with.

While the Fallout games have always tried to bring historical accuracy to the series, the map shows how much detail developers have gone to with Fallout 76. Grabbing the attention of the Fallout 76 Reddit community, the map is a constantly evolving process. In fact, update seven was released just two days after the sixth iteration. With the game’s beta version just around the corner but the full game months away, there is plenty of time to add a few more landmarks to Fallout 76’s already jam-packed map.

More: Here’s How Fallout 76 Will Stop PvP Bullying

Source: Oscar Armstrong-Davies/Twitter