Plot Holes or unexplained questions are nothing new to Hollywood blockbuster, but sometimes, a movie’s logic problems go a lot deeper than dangling plot threads. Sometimes, the movie itself doesn’t make sense, since its plot holes are so obvious, audiences are guaranteed to wonder if the filmmakers are trying to trick them (since gaps in logic this big couldn’t have been arrived at by accident).

Here are Screen Rant’s Famous Movie Plots That Make Absolutely No Sense.


As Disney movies go, the twist of Frozen was actually surprising, when the gentlemanly Prince Hans - presumed to be on the side of the heroes, and potential ’true love’ for Anna - is revealed as the villain in disguise, only wanting to marry Princess Anna so he could take out the Queen, and rule the country of Arendelle himself. There’s one problem, though… well actually, there are two. For starters, Hans decides to use the temporary power granted to him by Anna to charge Queen Elsa with treason, having done irreparable harm to the country by freezing it in a state of perpetual winter, and freezing its harbor solid.

It’s a challenging accusation to make, since treason is an act against the State; something Elsa can’t really commit, because the head of a monarchy (especially in the time in which Frozen seems to be set) is considered the State, as opposed to a congress, parliament, senate, etc.. But that’s only part of Hans’ larger plan to become the ruler of Arendelle, which makes even less sense. If Elsa was to be killed, then Anna would become Queen. But if she too died, it wouldn’t be her husband (Hans) who took over the throne, but the next living blood relative in line to succession (not a man one of the heirs had just married in secret).

Furious Seven

The plot of the seventh Fast & Furious adventure is far fetched to begin with, but it follows one simple idea: after the villain, Deckard Shaw (Jason Statham), kills one of Dom’s crew in Tokyo and puts his sister’s family in danger - blowing up his L.A. home in the process, his famous team sets out to track him down, and stop him for good. But to find him, they need a sophisticated program called God’s Eye to search for his face on every camera in the world. The team heads off on a dangerous mission to get the program, but is interrupted by Shaw, attacking the team… that’s trying to attack him.

It’s the kind of plot that falls completely apart under even the slightest scrutiny, since a story about two men who desperately want to track the other down should be a short one. Or, failing that, probably not one involving vast government agencies and a globe-trotting cat and mouse game (honestly, someone must be running from the other, but you won’t ever hear Vin Diesel admit it). You would think the crew would slam on the brakes having found their man when he first appears, but they don’t. He stays hot on their heels for the rest of the movie, with the stars never realizing they should just… stop moving.


When an asteroid the size of Texas is found flying towards Earth, NASA gets creative, hiring a deep sea drilling crew right off of an oil platform to fly up to the space rock, and drill an explosive down into its core. It’s a nightmare for NASA, having to turn a group of roughneck oil workers with varying vices into astronauts in just a matter of weeks. Stories about the fate of the world resting on the shoulders of those unprepared for such a job is nothing new, but there’s one major question that becomes clear once the training proves nowhere near as disastrous as their actual mission aboard the asteroid.

Star Ben Affleck asked director Michael Bay that very same thing: why wouldn’t NASA just get the crew to teach their astronauts to drill, safely, on an everyday rig here on Earth, or communicate with them remotely? We assume Affleck believed that there was an explanation he simply hadn’t grasped, but he didn’t get one. Bay apparently  just told him to “shut the f*** up,” conceding that the movie doesn’t make a lick of sense.

The Matrix

Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) makes it clear that in the world of The Matrix, the Agents - sentinel programs taking human form and serving to protect the Machines in charge - are the greatest threat to the human resistance, since every person in the system can be taken over by them in the blink of an eye. It begs the question: when the agents realized Morpheus truly was trying to contact Neo, and planted a tracker into his stomach, why did they never actually continue to track him, before or after it’s removed? They probably should have, since it would’ve led them to their greatest enemy’s secret hideout.

It’s not like they have other hobbies or a need to sleep, so the fact that they just let Neo be recruited - then spend the rest of the movie trying to kill him and his friends - is downright cheating on the Wachowskis’ part. Since they would have simply needed to actually just tail Neo after releasing him to find all the information they needed (or, you know, just take over his body once he’d been recruited), there’s no explanation other than it being an old fashioned gaping plot hole.

Star Wars

This space saga all started when a boy named Luke Skywalker learned that he was actually the son of a great hero - a hero who had fallen to become one of the galaxy’s greatest villains. Things get worse when his identity is revealed, but think about this chain of events for a second: when Vader fell, and Obi-Wan realized that his children were far too important to be easily found, he decided that the best course of action was to stash them in secret on distant worlds.

Leia became the newborn daughter of Alderaan royalty, and Luke… was delivered to his father’s home planet, entrusted to his step brother and his wife, and apparently made sure that his aunt and uncle, who Anakin had previously met, would still be sure to call him by his father’s last name.Oh, and be sure to tell him that his father was Anakin Skwalker, the former pilot and adventurer he should idolize and long to become. If Luke’s aunt and uncle just claimed Luke as their son, he lives his life quietly, and doesn’t have to rely on a miracle to survive. The even dumber fact is that Darth Vader never even investigates whether someone was claiming to be Anakin Skywalker’s son - or sensed his own child when he was just a few feet away from him aboard the Death Star in A New Hope.


We won’t even point out the problems or time travel contradictions in this one, since it’s all in the name of telling a cool story. It works, but if you take even a tiny look at the actual Looper system being explored, it makes zero sense. A future crime boss sends his targets into the past, since they can’t be disposed of in his own time. But instead of hiring, then eventually killing a horde of hitmen (and hoping that nobody would ever have second thoughts about murdering their future selves), why wouldn’t he just send his enemies a few millenia into the past - or send their already-killed bodies?

If the subjects need to be alive to time travel, then poison them, and the problem is solved. It’s also implied that the future crime boss - dubbed the Rainmaker - has wiped out the opposition to take over the future, leaving those enemies’ fates completely unexplained. There are hundreds of ways of getting what he’s after using time travel, but the movie claims he picked the absolute worst one imaginable.

The Terminator

When the robot armies of Skynet realize they’ve lost the war, they send a T-800 a.k.a. ‘Terminator’ back in time to kill Sarah Connor, the mother of mankind’s greatest hero, John Connor. Even though plenty of women by that name wound up hunted down and executed (since Skynet doesn’t know which Sarah Connor to kill), John’s mother lives to train her son to become the leader she knows he will be. With a little help from the time-loop-creating soldier Kyle Reese, imbuing Sarah with the knowledge and training she’ll pass on to John, who in turn will pass on to Kyle.

But the fact that women sharing her name are being killed by robots from the future is something Sarah realizes fast, becoming a significant plot point. So… why wouldn’t she just tell John to change his name? Or hers? Change nothing about the original story except John going by the name of ‘Smith,’ and the machines sent back in time to kill ‘Sarah Smith’ won’t stand a chance of changing their future, erasing the threat before it ever begins and sealing mankind’s victory once and for all.


Those are the plot holes so big, they turn some of our favorite movies into nonsensical narratives. But which ones have we missed? Let us know in the comments, and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos like this one.