Gossip Girl knows all and is eager to share it with the world. In fact, there isn’t a secret she won’t share. At the same time, she won’t reveal her real name. Indeed, fans were dying to know her true identity. Turns out Gossip Girl isn’t a girl after all. In fact, Gossip Girl is Dan Humphrey. Well, that’s not the only thing that doesn’t make sense about Dan.

The show follows the lives of rich kids living in New York. All the while Gossip Girl reveals all the dirt. Dan wasn’t just Gossip Girl. He played a big role in the show. In fact, Dan and Serena’s romance was a major part of the show. Dan just seemed to be a normal guy with a crush on the prettiest girl. Of course, they face many obstacles before they end up together. To be fair, Gossip Girl is one of the obstacles. On the other hand, Dan finds other ways to spread gossip. Indeed, he doesn’t always need to be Gossip Girl to do that.

Regardless, there a few details about Dan that make little sense. It’s not just that fact that he’s Gossip Girl. He reveals a lot of private details for no real reason. In fact, he ruins the lives of his family and friends. In fact, he spills the beans about his own life. It’s time to take a closer look at all the rumors and gossip.

Here are 20 Things That Make No Sense About Dan Humphrey.


The reveal that Dan’s Gossip Girl confused a lot of fans. In fact, fans went over the show with a fine-tooth comb to find any clues that point to Dan. Instead, they found many confusing moments. For instance, Dan pretends he’s not Gossip Girl even when he’s alone. He often reads Gossip Girl posts and is in a state of shock. It makes sense in public for him to hide the truth.

It makes no sense when he’s alone. There’s nobody around to hide his secret from. Indeed, he should be celebrating. Instead, he continues to act like it’s not him. However, there’s nobody in the room with him. He’s truly doing it for no reason at all.


When Dan first saw Serena van der Woodsen it was love at first sight. He instantly fell in love and had to have her. They have many ups and downs. They became a famous “will they? Won’t they?” couple. Dan did his best to be sweet and charming. His goal was to sweep Serena off her feet. On the other hand, as Gossip Girl he took a different approach.

In fact, Gossip Girl often insults Serena for being superficial and shallow. It’s a bit confusing that he’d do that. He claims to like her and tries to be with her. At the same time, he’s making her life much more difficult. He really needs to work on showing his feelings better.


As noted, Dan continues to pretend he’s not Gossip Girl even when he’s alone. Well, it doesn’t end there. In fact, Dan once had a text conversation with Gossip Girl. Indeed, that’s not all. In addition, Gossip Girl blackmails Dan to bring Blair to a party. That’s right, Dan has a text conversation with himself.

He then blackmails himself to bring Blair. It seems like a lot of trouble to go to. It makes no sense that he’d blackmail himself and create that problem. Of course, there’s another important factor we’re overlooking. How is Dan texting with Gossip Girl? It seems he can be in two places at once and talk to himself.


To be fair, this one applies to the entire Humphrey family and not just Dan. Dan’s family isn’t like the rest. They’re not rich and struggle to get by. In fact, his father’s only source of income is selling art. Well, they don’t appear to have it that hard. Indeed, the family lives in an awesome loft. It might not be a big mansion but it’s still amazing.

It’s not some small apartment that’s embarrassing to live in. It’s a sweet loft that’s in a pretty good location. They’re more like an upper-middle-class family. In addition, Dan and Jenny both attend a top private school. For a family that struggles they still do pretty well.



There are two things that Dan loves the most in the world. First, he clearly loves to gossip. Secondly, he clearly loves Serena. However, the couple faces many issues before finally marrying. Indeed, that darn Gossip Girl’s always up in their business. Regardless, that’s not their biggest problem. Dan and Serena weren’t the only love story. Their parents also had quite the fling. In fact, their parents marry before they can.

Of course, they annul their marriage. Regardless, nothing is going to stop Dan and Serena. Not even a sibling. Turns out that Serena and Dan share a sibling. Their parents had a child years ago. That would mean Dan and Serena are basically relatives.


At first, Gossip Girl’s simply reporting all the dirt and news. However, she soon starts reaching out to various people. In fact, Dan needs information so he simply emails Gossip Girl. He’s searching for Juliet and Gossip Girl has the answers. He’s lucky that she does otherwise he might not find Juliet. That creates a pretty major problem. Of course, Dan’s Gossip Girl.

It seems odd that Dan emails himself to find that out. Even more confusing is he knows the answer. In fact, he didn’t need to email Gossip Girl. Instead, he could just ask himself. Clearly, somebody forgot Dan’s Gossip Girl. It might be the writers or Dan. Apparently, Dan can both email and text himself.


Dan Humphrey breaks all the archaic stereotypes. For instance, it’s not only old women in a knitting circle that gossip. Dan proves that even men can do it. In fact, revealing his family and friends private life as Gossip Girl isn’t enough. He even writes a fictional book, Inside. Clearly, the book’s about his life. He spills every detail about Serena and his close friends.

Of course, he claims it’s all just fictional. He does a pretty bad job covering that up. It’s clear who serves as the inspiration for the characters in the book. It seems odd that he writes this book considering he’s also Gossip Girl. Apparently, he just likes to gossip a lot.


When Dan first meets Carter Baizen he acts like he doesn’t know who he is. Nobody questions it because it makes perfect sense. However, it turns out Dan knows exactly who he is even before he met him. Initially, Carter’s traveling around the world helping out the poor. Luckily for Blair, Gossip Girl has a map tracking all of his moves.

Honestly, it’s a bit odd that Dan’s tracking this guy all over the world. Even though he has no idea who he is. He just randomly tracks this guy’s every move. This is even before Dan and Serena were a thing. Maybe Dan just has lots of time on his hands.


Clearly, Dan must have superpowers. He’s able to post as Gossip Girl no matter the situation. Even when it’s physically impossible. In fact, he can text and email himself as well. On several occasions, it would have been impossible for him to post. For instance, he was able to write up Gossip Girl post during Blair’s failed wedding.

Apparently, he wrote the post while standing in front of a huge crowd at the altar. That’s not all though. He also shared a video of Blair confessing her love for Chuck. The video went up as she walked down the aisle. So he was able to write a post and share a video in front of everyone without them noticing.


Apparently, there’s no line Dan won’t cross. He’s willing to spill the beans about anyone. That includes his younger sister Jenny. Jenny has the potential to be the next Serena. She’s popular and people like her. Of course, Gossip Girl spreads rumors about her. She often reveals Jenny’s most private details.

Dan doesn’t come across as the best brother in this case. In fact, it’s pretty mean to do that to his own sister as he spreads rumors about her dating life. That includes the guys she hooks up with. First, it’s strange he’d want to know that about his sister. Secondly, he then shares that news with the world.


Dan clearly struggles with being a good boyfriend to Serena. In fact, he seems to have a hard time balancing being Gossip Girl and Dan. Gossip Girl has no problem telling the world Serena’s darkest secrets. In fact, he tells the world that Serena has a substance abuse problem and is an addict. That doesn’t seem like something a good boyfriend would do.

As a matter of fact, Dan should try to help her instead of spreading rumors. Of course, it’s all a set up so that makes it worse. Indeed, he leaves her to basically write up a post, which was a lie. Some fans argue that he’s doing it to help her. However, there has to be an easier way.


There’s a good chance that a few heads will explode with this one. In season 3, Dan and Serena hook up despite both being in relationships with other people. They agree to never speak about it again. However, Jenny takes a pic of them in bed and sends it to Gossip Girl. Dan’s alone and in a state of shock when he finds out.

He even uses his detective skills to figure out it was Jenny. This clearly makes no sense. He should know it’s Jenny since she sent him the picture. Of course, we’re once again overlooking a very important fact. Dan’s Gossip Girl, which means he’s the one that posts the picture. He then loses his cool and yells at his sister.


At one point, Dan and Serena break up. Of course, they don’t really go their separate ways. In fact, Dan wants to get her back. He turns on his charm and does his best. At the same time, Gossip Girl’s really going after Serena. She’s even spreading awful rumors. Dan as Gossip Girl tells everyone Serena contacted a disease after being in a relationship with someone. It’s an odd way to win back an old love.

It’s also odd that Serena would agree to marry Dan after finding all this out. He claims he wants her back but is also spreading rumors about her. There has to be an easier way to win her back. Spreading lies about her isn’t the best idea.


It’s common for siblings to pull pranks on each other. In fact, they might even be mean. However, Dan takes it to a whole new level. He reveals Jenny’s personal information all the time. However, he doesn’t stop there. He also reveals dirt that gets his sister in pretty deep trouble. For instance, he reveals that she’s part of some illegal activities although it’s actually her then-boyfriend.

He pretty much outs her for being a drug dealer. There’s a lot of ways he could have helped his sister. Instead, he sends out a blast that brings the heat on her. To be fair, in the finale Dan claims that Jenny knew he was Gossip Girl for a long time. That doesn’t explain why she’d let him do that.


Dan and Serena are in shock to find out they share a sibling. It was a secret their mother and father hope to keep from them. However, Dan and Serena became closer over time. Eventually, the secret got out. Clearly, Dan and Serena don’t want anyone to know. It’s too late. Gossip Girl already sent out a blast that spills the beans. Dan and Serena are very unhappy.

It’s a bit confusing that Dan’s so angry about it. He’s the one that spills the beans. In fact, it’s Dan that tells everyone he shares a sibling with Serena. It makes no sense that he’d share that information. It makes even less sense if he did it on purpose. He’s angry even though he’s the one who did the posting.


Dan was in a complete state of shock when he found out Serena bought a pregnancy test. He was speechless as he read the post. Of course, nobody wants that information out before they know. There’s just one tiny problem. Since Dan’s Gossip Girl none of this is a surprise. It’s possible that it’s all just an act for his father and sister.

On the other hand, Dan didn’t have to post that information. He was dating Serena at the time so he could have kept that a secret. Instead, he’s the one putting it out there and is then in shock. It makes little sense that he posts the info and even less that he’s unhappy about it.


As noted, Dan pulls the strangest pranks on his sister Jenny. He spreads rumors about her and gets in trouble. However, he even reports very private details about Jenny. Clearly, he did this to make her look bad. For instance, he reported that she hooked up with Chuck. It seems odd that he would spread such private details about his sister.

In the series finale, once Dan’s revealed as Gossip Girl he has lots of questions to answer. In fact, he explains the reason for revealing the truth about Jenny. He claims she found out earlier that he’s Gossip Girl. She asked him to spread the news about her.


As noted, Dan and Serena’s love was central to the show. In fact, Dan would do anything to be with the prettiest girl in the school. He doesn’t care that she’s richer or completely out of his league. He will stop at nothing to be with the love of his life. Well, as Gossip Girl he enjoys reporting on Serena the most.

It makes sense since she’s the most popular girl in school. On the other hand, that’s a very strange way to flirt. It makes little sense that he’d make her his main target. Indeed, that’s a strange way to treat the love of his life. Clearly, it was more important to be Gossip Girl.


Nobody was safe from Gossip Girl. At one point, everyone falls victim to her gossip. Not even Dan could avoid her wrath, which is odd since he’s Gossip Girl. In fact, he created a great deal of trouble for himself. On three separate occasions, Gossip Girl reveals that Dan was unfaithful to his partner. This would mean that Dan had a picture taken of himself in action and would then post it.

Clearly, he didn’t need to get angry at anyone but himself.  It’s possible that it was his way of coming clean, but really he could have avoided the whole thing and chosen to be a good boyfriend but then, we suppose, there would be no story to tell.

DAN is gossip girl

For seasons, fans speculated on who they thought Gossip Girl was. Some fans thought it was Blair or possibly Jenny. There wasn’t a person who would guess Dan. Clearly, it makes no sense that Dan’s Gossip Girl. There are times when it’s impossible. In addition, Dan’s often in shock reading Gossip Girl’s posts. It doesn’t matter if he’s alone or with somebody.

He’ll spend days reading through her stuff. His reactions all seem pointless and confuses fans. Basically, Dan being Gossip Girl makes little sense and seems impossible. In fact, it appears the writers picked Dan without giving it much thought. As a matter of fact, most fans were unhappy with the big reveal.

What do you think about Dan on Gossip Girl? Let us know in the comments!