In yet another tease from the set of Disney’s Untitled Han Solo Anthology Film, director Ron Howard has revealed an image of Donald Glover as Lando Calrissian on the Millennium Falcon. This comes just a day after Howard tweeted a shot of Chewbacca looking in at a bank of monitors on the set of the much-discussed production.

Though Disney has remained very tight-lipped about their Han Solo standalone film, even electing not to reveal anything about it during the recent D23 event, director Howard has been happy to share images from the set - though nothing that would actually spoil the plot. Howard was hired to take over the movie after Disney and Lucasfilm elected to part ways with original director duo Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, reportedly because they took their improvisational approach too far and veered away from Lawrence Kasdan’s script.

Howard’s latest carefully-chosen and non-spoilery reveal image, posted to his Instagram account, shows the director in front of a pair of monitors, one of which shows a very small but distinct image of Donald Glover as the movie’s youthful version of gambler, space pilot and future Death Star destroyer Lando Calrissian in what appears to be the cockpit of his beloved Millennium Falcon.

lining up a shot today from my director’s monitor A post shared by RealRonHoward (@realronhoward) on Jul 18, 2017 at 2:44pm PDT

In addition to his Lando and Chewbacca reveals, Howard also recently posted an image of some costumes hanging on a rack with a challenge to his Twitter followers to guess whose closet it was. Howard’s strategic teasing seems to be a concerted effort to change the conversation on the Han Solo movie, which is widely looked upon as a troubled production after the firing of Lord and Miller and subsequent reports that star Alden Ehrenreich needed help from an on-set acting coach. Despite the film’s issues, there is no indication that Disney means to move it back from its planned May 2018 release date.

Howard himself was not responsible for other recent leaks from the set of Han Solo, including images showing Woody Harrelson as Beckett and another figure who may be Emilia Clarke’s character. Trying to keep leaks under wraps is always a big challenge for studios, and secrecy is an even bigger priority when the project in question is a Star Wars film that is already the subject of much discussion owing to numerous high-profile controversies.

After Lord and Miller were fired, probably the smartest thing Lucasfilm did was swiftly hire Howard, a veteran director who could immediately step in and get a handle on a tough situation. Howard has also demonstrated that he knows how to play the strategic tease game like an old pro, and we can likely look forward to more of his little not-really-revealing but fun hints from the set as the film continues shooting (for however long it has to continue shooting).

Next: Star Wars 9 Director Defends Han Solo Movie

Source: Ron Howard

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